Site Settings

This page allows you to customize your browsing experience on Etherscan.

Advanced Mode

Show transactions and blocks details in full. Useful for developers to debug in single view. Will also display revert error messages from token contracts without an updated token info.*Note: Caution recommended when interacting with error messages that direct you to perform additional steps or visit external sites

Ignore Tokens with Poor Reputation

Hide all transactions of tokens that have been flagged by Etherscan as Suspicious, Unsafe, Spam or Brand Infringement from being displayed on the site.*Note: This is a Beta feature with ongoing improvements

Zero-Value Token Transfers

Hide zero-value token transfers from being displayed on the site*Note: This is a Beta feature with ongoing improvements

Address and Method Highlight

Highlight all occurrences of an address or method in a given page upon hover*Note: This is a Beta feature


Choose desired language


Choose desired currency

Address Display

Choose desired address hash truncation format*Note: Back truncation allows for finding address hash in page (CTRL+F)

Default Domain Name

The selected provider's name tags will be prioritized by default in cases where an address has reverse resolution set up for both providers.

Date Time Format

Select whether to display Date Time in UTC or local (UTC+7) time zone

* Site preferences are saved as browser cookies.

Powered by Vinachain

Vinascan is a Block Explorer and Analytics Platform for Vinachain, a decentralized smart contracts platform.